Banjara lambani

Monday, 6 February 2017

Digital ads and advertising SEO to make money fast in united state of America(USA)

Digital ads and advertising SEO to make money fast

until january 1st to use these services
you call the local acssess number and
then type in a 5 or 6 digit
can get programs that will call mci
,sprint,or whatever and try consecutive
numbers until it gets fight
against this the companys use 2 things.

1.they have dummy numbers that you thin
k work but when you call using it
they trace you!

2.they change the numbers randomly
eveery week or less,so you cant use
a number to long!

here are some access numbers you can
try hacking...

access numbers

metrophone-(415) 579-6001
itt-(415) 858-2750
mci-(415) 495-2640
sprint-(415) 348-7700

future developments

after january first,the date the att
break up starts,all hell will break
loose because the reginal companies
will not no what the fuck to do!
who will profit from this?

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Brand new launched apple iPhone gadgets

Brand new launched apple iPhone gadgets

Sometimes if the no one is home at the number you're trying to bill to, you 
can convince the operator that it's really you're number if you know what the
answering machine message is going to say and if you can do an impression of
their voice on the machine. Even a bad impression will sometimes work.

When doing this from home, try not to use the same number more than two or
three times so the owner of the number will be less likely to investigate.

I've experienced third-party billing from both sides. Someone charged forty
dollars worth of calls to my dad's phone and the operators were very 
unhelpful and unfriendly. They refused to investigate even though it was
comming from a residential line and it took two months to get the charges
removed. This was back in 1990 but I've been doing this for a few years now
and people don't seem to care too much at a few calls totaling to under ten 
bucks. I've actually called the people I used and asked them about it and they 
almost always blow it off as a "minor nusience."

AT&T is completely automated from your home and the best to use. U.S.Sprint
is the second best because they're not automated but they also don't call and
verify. M.C.I. sucks because they're losers who verify no matter what so don't 
use them. To choose your company, before you dial the number dial 10288 for 
AT&T or 10333 for U.S. Sprint.

International calls will be verified no matter what from pay phone or home.
Hope this file benefits everyone who reads it. It'll sure cut your long
distance bill down a lot.

May 13, 1995 Update:
Well, it seems that AT&T are finally waking up to this problem of third party
billing...On my local phone bill I was backbilled for $175 worth of third 
party calls. The kicker part is that I called the phone company and complained
that there were all these extra charges on my bill that I know nothing about
and they were more than happy to take the charges off. A few weeks later, I
got a letter from AT&T concerning some more charges...

eHealthcare solutions and insurance quote

eHealthcare solutions and insurance quote

First of all, if you're going to be calling from home, it's best to charge
the calls to a different area code than your own. Sure, a local number will
work but when the people get their phone bill and see a local number on it,
they'll most likely call it to find out what it is. When they see a long
distance number they think "Goodness gracious! If I call that number my
phone bill will even be higher." Even if they do call you, you can just play
ignorant and if they're far away they probably won't come looking for you.

Pick a city, any city. The city should be far away in another state. Now dial
local information and ask for the area code to your city. Let's say you
picked Waverly, Iowa. The area code is 319. Now dial 1-319-555-1212 to call
Waverly Directory Assisstance. The charge for this call should only be about
sixty cents.

Now think of a very common last name like Smith, Lawrence, Conner, Mitchell,
Shlappenheimerwinthrop, etc. You get the idea. 

OPER: Directory Assisstance, Betty. What city, please?
 YOU: Waverly.
OPER: Go ahead.
 YOU: I need the number of a last name Conner.
OPER: (type, type, type) Okay I have two Conners listed. A Bob and an
      initial H.
 YOU: Bob, yeah that's it. Definately Bob. Bob it is. Gimmie Bob. Yeah, Bob.
OPER: The number is 452-0357.

So that's the number you'll bill to. 319-452-0357. Of course if you're 
planning to do this extensively you'll need many more numbers to pick from.
That's when you call up the phone company and ask for a phone book to be
delivered to you so you'll have a whole list of numbers to choose from. A
normal book will cost about $7.00 or so. If you know how to do it right, it
won't cost you anything but I won't get into that. The phone book will pay
for itself after about 3 or 4 long distance calls.

Advertising alliance and new upcoming android mobile apps

Advertising alliance and new upcoming android mobile apps

Breaker B0X

   This is a new b0x INVENTED AND MADE BY _--=PeEll=--_ on June 18, 1995 at 
11:20 pm central time.  Okay?  This is not really a box.  This has nothing 
to do with tha fone system.  It has to do with a person's (not yours) breaker
box and electrical system within his/her house.  This is foe info only.  
These plans should not be use in an illegal way.  There are two wayz to make 
this box.


2 Extension cords (doesn't matter how long)
Knowledge of splicing wire
Whatever you need to splice
A plastic crate
A long thin (but strong) peice of wood (a stick, broom-handle)

   How to make it

   Take tha extension cords and cut off tha ends that you plug into tha wall 
(ya know tha plugs).  Make SuRe you have about four-five inchs on both.  Now
splice tha two plugs together.  *****If they have tha third prong you have to 
break it off*****  You should have something like this:


   Now to use it

   Go to tha enimies house and find an outside power outlet.  Plug one of tha
plugs into one of tha outlets.  THEN GET ON THA CRATE!!!  Make SuRe that no 
part of you is touching tha ground.  Then plug tha other end in (cause there 
is usally two sockets).  Watch tha sparcks.  It may start a fire.  When it 
stops lighting up tha ski, take tha stick or whatever put it in tha loop and 
pull it out.  Grab it and run.

   Materials (foe tha second kind)

1 Extention cord
1 Bucket of Salt water (like a 5 gallon bucket filled with a lot of salt)

   Cut tha cord so you have about six-seven feet of cord.  Now find an 
outside power outlet and plug in tha cord (might wanna get a crate).  Now you
have a LIVE wire.  THROW (so you are not holding it) into tha bucket of 
water.  You may have to leave tha breaker box there.

   This b0x is KewL cause if it doesn't trip tha breakers or fuses it will 
fry tha wires in tha house!!!  If something is running and using electricity 
it may blow it (ie lights, TV, things like that).

About webads and search engine marketing

About webads and search engine marketing

Here we'll go over in detail some of the most common operators.


Trafic (us) Service Position System Operator is the bitch you commonly here
whenever you use a pay phone etc. To say the least she's a meat head. Her
responsibilities are as follows:

 [1] Getting all billing information for Calling Cards and 3rd number calls.

 [2] Making sure you get the right person on person-to-person calls.

 [3] Making sure the fool on the other end will pay for your collect call (why
     call collect?)

 [4] Identifying calling numbers, or basically asking you,
     'what number are you calling, please.' when the system fucks up.

Even though these operators are commonly ding-bats, you shouldn't screw with
them, for they are known to be quick with the tracer. She can even tell if you
are calling from a fortress phone. She has a portable all time ready tracer.
Beware of these deadly bitches.


This wench is basically an apprentice to the bitch above (TSPS) or commonly
the '0' operator. She will never question you as long as you are within her
dimension (service) area. She can only be reached by a mighty Blue Box
(discussed in up and coming tutorial) or another operator.


This is the operator you get when you call directory assistance (555-1212).
All she can do is either tell you a listed number or tell you if a number is
unlisted. Waste of time.


This neat little operator is set up to help with directory assistance for deaf
people (who would they want to talk to?). She's reachable by dialing
800-855-1155. She talks to the deaf via Teletypewriters (terminals). If your
modem can transfer baudot (Oh those sweet Apple Cats can) then you can talk to
her. You might find her alot more friendly, more talkitive, and alot easier to
manipulate a number out of. However, she does use abbreviations like GA for go
ahead (pretty tricky huh).

About Facebook and Instagram

About Facebook and Instagram

Telex II, as you can see above there are 5 TWX machines. They are all owned by
Western Union. Normally these babes may only be accessed by other TWX
machines, however, if you do not wish to go and purchase one you can access
them by use of the Easylink, by Western Union. For more on this I would
suggest reading The Bioc Agents, and Tucs article on 'Hacking Western Union's


This is a new service for employees of AT&T in which someone (one of the
special employees) can call his own 700 number (say 700-292-9876), enters
his/her code, and where he is staying and then hangs up. If there is any new
info on the case he is working on, the computer will call him back and tell
him all the latest updates.


There are basically two types of Watts Lines, Inward Watts and Outward watts.
These are probably some of the nicest of the special area codes since they
allow you to call for free. Here's an explanation of the two:


Inward Wide Area Telecommunications Service is probably the one your most
familiar with. MA has developed it so there are 6 different levels of Inwatts.
Level 6 being the whole U.S. (all 50 states) level 5 being all 48 contienental
states etc. all the way down to 1, only one state. Usually a company will get
a level 6 and then a level 1 because all though level 6 allows you to call
from anywhere in the U.S. it excludes the state where the call is terminated
at, so the company usually buys a level 1 for that state.

Interstate Inwatts are less common but still exist. These are the ones you can
only call from say one state. You can tell one quite easily for they all have
a 2 for the last central office number, or the 6th number (ie. 800-XY2-XXXX).

About LinkedIn and Twitter

About LinkedIn and Twitter

Well, examine a phonecard - preferably a used one if you are going to 
scratch it or dissect it. If you look on the printed surface (the green 
side - which is the front) you will find two lines which form a thick band. 
Underneath this area is a "track" which holds the information about the 
number of units used up and how many are left. A used phonecard will have 
some tiny bars marked on the track near one end.

On the reverse side of the phonecard (the black side) you can see a shiny 
black strip in contrast to the matt black which has text on it (on older 
phone cards the whole of this side is shiny black). Anyway, this shiny strip 
is "opposite" the band on the front and acts as a "window" to the information 
on the track - for the simple reason that it is no ordinary shiny black 
plastic. This special black plastic is not like all the others (which do 
not let normal light or infra-red light pass through) but is transparent to 
infra-red light. When a phonecard is in the machine, an infra-red beam is 
shone through the back of the card and the reflected beam is checked to 
detect the time units remaining.

Now to explain the track itself which is protected by a layer of paint that 
also serves as the base for printing text and figures visible to the user. 
On a 20-unit card, the track has 20 tiny rectangular areas (called 
diffraction gratings - you might have come across them if you took physics) 
which affect the light reflected by the cards. As the time units are used up, 
the ares are destroyed by an eraser head. The design of the assembly enables 
the progress of the erasing operation to be checked. in fact, the 20 
rectangular areas touch each other and form a continuous strip on the card.

The area which is read is wider than the track. This makes it possible to 
detect a reduction in track width.

Each unit is separated from its neighbour by a distance of 0.6mm. the erase 
area is greater than the width of the track so that the unit is always 
completely erased. The dimensions of both the card and the time units 
suggest 140 as the theoretical maximum number of units possible.

The read-and-erase mechanism consists of a moving carriage on which are 
fixed the eraser head and the optical components for reading. the carriage 
is driven by a stepping device which moves along the track to determine 
whether each unit is god or erased. when a unit has been consumed by the 
cardphone, the area is erased in its turn and the carriage moves on one step.

OK, for those that weant to know, here is an ascii graphical representation 
of the read and erase geometry :