Banjara lambani

Friday, 3 February 2017

Annuity settlement

 Annuity settlement

b4 i get started, just remember i did not rite this phile 
so you people can learn preform telecommunications fraud!
contrary to popular beleafs phreaking is still an art form.
phreaking is a form of intelectual advancement. is just like
hacking, if u think of it this way: when hacking you type
certain commands in phreaking, you play certain MHz tones.
blue boxing is just like gaining r00t access of a unix sys.
by gaining r00t access you be come the 'system operator'.
the blue box utelizes 'system operator' tones. see what i'm sayn? 
just cuz phreaking is intelectual it dousnt mean it cant be fun. 

_`'-.,_,.-'`_`'-.,_,.-> [ definitions ] <-.,_,.-'`_`'-.,_,.-'`_

Phreak    ["free"k]  Verb--1. The act of "Phreaking"  
2. The act of making telephone calls without paying money 
[the word phreak is a combination of phone, freak, and free]

Phreaker ["free"-k-er]  Noun--1. One who engages in the act of 
"Phreaking" 2.One who makes telephone calls without paying 

_`'-.,_,.-'`_`'-.,_,.-> [fone systems in the world today] <-.,_,.-'`_`'-.,_,.-'`_

               [1] Step by Step
               [2] Crossbar
               [3] ESS Electronic Switching System
                         Step by Step
First switching system used in America, adopted in 1918 and until 
1978 Bell had over 53% of all exchanges using Step by Step [SxS].  
A long,and confusing train of switches is used for SxS switching.
                         [> Disadvantages <]

 [A] The switch train may become jammed : Blocking call.
 [B] No DTMF [Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency]["Touch-tone"].
 [C] Much maintanance and much electricity.[0;36;40m
 [D] Everything is hardwired
                        +> Identification<+

 [A] No pulsing digits after dialing or DTMF.
 [B] Phone Company sounds like many typewriters.
 [C] No:  Speed calling, Call forwarding, and other services.
 [D] Pay-phone wants money first before dial-tone.

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